
**I love comments!! Please drop me a line if you've found anything useful. :) Cheers, Liesl

Contents Below:
  • Language
  • Math
  • History/Geography
  • Science
  • Pin Maps
  • Other
  • German

Language and Spelling Practice Worksheets 

I've Made for the Kids: 

 All About Spelling Lessons 16-24 Review

Fill in the c, k, ck, ss,ff,ll, ng, nk and plurals -- s, es

Oops -- and I see you also have to write the word "plow" and "about" because we've done ou and ow words.

I say the word (such as duck, elk, kept, sock), he fills in the missing letters.

 Long A Sounds -- Word Sort

a, ai, a-e, ay, eigh, ea, aigh and ey

Click here to download. It is 7 pages long.

Long a Words -- Spelling Practice Sentences 

We have gone over the long a words such as 

a (able, acorn) ai (sail, maid) a--e (cake, mate) ay (day) eigh (weigh, neighbor)

ea (steak, break) ey (they) aigh (straight). This sheet uses these long a words in a sentence. They should be able to figure out the word by context, but if not you can tell them the word to write.

Click here for Long a Word sheet.
Long A Sound - Word Sort

LD has gone over a lot of the different long-A sound word groups for
spelling. I made this word sort to help cement in some of those families
especially the trickier ones such as

eigh -- weigh, eight, neighbor, sleigh

aigh -- straight

ea -- steak, break

You can download a copy of the long a words sort here if you are interested.

We continue to go over capitalization rules.  This sheet reviews some of the capitalization rules. 
The blanks are for the kids to write in examples. For instance, "Titles
such as..."  Mr.    Mrs.    Dr.

Here is the link if anyone's interested.

Capital Letters -- circle the words that should be capitalized.

First Language Lessons (Level 1)

Capital Letters Sheet#2  -- In the blank, write a capital letter if it is needed.

First Language Lessons (Level 1)

Capital Letter Sentence Practice -- Correct the sentences on the page.

Capital Letter Practice -- Circle the letters that should be capitalized. (About our family holiday near Adelaide.)  

 Capitalization Practice Sheet -- Circle any capitalization errors you see.

 Punctuation Practice - Fill in the missing punctuation: comma, question mark, period,  exclamation mark

Language Arts Practice Sheet -- capitalization, punctuation (.,!?) and contraction review

ou and ow words

 You might need to read the word aloud to your child (such as "h" -- how or "ab  t" -- about) until they get the idea.

You can find a ou and ow word sort activity at Finally in First which we did first.

Here is another cute ou - ow word sort from Oceans of First Grade Fun.

 All About Spelling, Level 2 Lesson 25

to, too, two practice worksheets

 Build-a-Sentence Pack

To go along with the build-a-sentence pack I made, I put together some free writing prompts. Here is the post about the Free Writing Prompts. I'll share it here in case some of you find it helpful for your emergent writers. It is 18 pages.

Click here for the Free-Writing Prompts Pack

Math Printables and Games:
Preschool Teens Pack
ED is ready to tackle the teen numbers. She often skips some of the numbers after 13. I am using a homemade version of the Montessori seguin board (download the packet I made here).  It's a board with lots of 10s in a row. The child then places a digit over the zero to make 11, 12, 13, etc.
1) First ED counted the number of animals.
2) Then she pulled out the same number of beads. I made a big deal about the group of 10 beads being called her special 'golden beads.' She promptly fell in love with them!
3) Next she chose the proper digit and placed it in the ones column to make it "one ten and one" (for 11), "one ten and two" (for 12) and so forth.
Original Post is here.
Addition Cards
If you want to print out the addition cards, I suggest you go to FILE
and select "DOWNLOAD AS..." Choose PDF and this will bring it up in
Adobe Reader so that you can print the specific pages you are interested

Multiplication Game (6s and 7s)
Catch the Mouse Game Board for practicing the Seven Times Table and the Six Times Tables: 
7x4 through 7x9 and 6x4 through 6x9

You will need to supply a wooden cube to make your own die.  Write the numerals 4 through 9 on each side.

Directions are provided on the first page.

Learning the Multiplication Tables for 6s, 7s and 8s

Late at night my brain often whirls with ideas.  Last spring I put
the skip counting patterns to familiar tunes since LD is working on his
basic multiplication facts.  For example, I put the 7s to the tune of
'Row, Row, Row Your Boat.'  LD learned that so well I went back and
created another tune for the 6s and the 8s which he'll be working on
again this fall.

Click here to see the skip counting songs and to print them out.

 DD is just now learning to skip count by 3s.  I made a unicorn and dragon themed game to help her practice. The game is pretty straight forward. Each player takes a turn drawing cards from the file until they get a dragon (STOP!) card.  The player then sorts her cards and places them in skip counting order while the other player is drawing cards. The object is to be the first player to get all the cards needed and placed in the proper order -- 3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27
I made skip counting cards for 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s and 10s.You can find the Unicorn Race Skip Counting Game here. As always, it's free to download. :-)

Hope someone finds it fun!

If your child is a good skip counter already, be sure to check out the wonderful game, Speed! that was made by a fellow homeschooler, Julie.  You can read about that game in this post.

Addition Game (doubling 4 through 9)

 I made this simple math game for DD. This goes along with some of the
math skills she's learning with her new math curriculum.  It's a game of
practicing doubling the numbers 4 through 9 (4+4, 5+5, etc.).

 You can download the fall-themed gameboard here. (4+4, 5+5, etc.)

Multiplication Game (8s Times Tables)

Now knowing that LD would want to play as well I made him his own
gameboard.  This version uses the same die (with the numbers 4 through
9), but instead he multiplies by 8. (4x8, 5x8, 6x8, 7x8, 8x8, 9x8)

if he rolls a 5 he multiplies that by 8 and has to cover the number 40
on his gameboard. The same rules apply -- you can bump a player off if
they have one token covering the number, but once a player has two
tokens on a number he has claimed/won that number and cannot be bumped

You can download the Bump 8s Multiplication Gameboard here.

Basic Division Games: LD was asking for more math games, so I whipped up two quick division games.

The first game is the same Bump game I've mentioned before, this time using division problems.

You can print out your own Bump Division Game here.

*Each player takes a turn taking a division card and solving the answer.

*The player places a token on the correct number on the gameboard.

*We use pennies and erasers for tokens (you can also use buttons).

*If another player has a token on that number, he/she can be bumped off.

*When you have two tokens on the number it is yours.

*The player who has the most numbers covered with two tokens wins the game.

Addition Games (sums of 16, 17, 18, 19):

Since LD and I have been playing his division games daily, DD wanted her
own board as well. I made one up for her last night so she can work on
her sums to 16, 17, 18 and 19.  (ie. 8+8, 9+10 and so forth).

If you are interested the addition games and cards are found here.

History/World Geography:
LD and DD are going to learn some basic facts
about the world in which we live -- the largest continent, country,
ocean, desert, tallest mountain, longest river as well as a bit about
our world population.

If you are interested you can find our Let's Learn about the World sheet here.

am busy planning and getting ready for this next year.  I couldn't find
exactly what I was looking for and so made these 3-part cards for our
upcoming unit study on America. Cards include landmarks such as the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, the White House, Mount Rushmore and more.

Lyrics to 50 States that Rhyme. You tube video for learning the 50 States that Rhyme song.

Fundamental Needs of People Chart:

Here is a blank chart of some fundamental needs.
There are numbers of charts out on the internet, but this is how I plan
to discuss these topics. I plan to use a huge piece of butcher paper
and to have the kids cut out pictures from old National Geographic magazines to create
a homemade chart.

Even as I write this, I'm considering adding tools to the materials side of the chart.  There's always lots to think about! 

Science Downloads:

Montessori science sorts -- These are my planning pages and science notebooking pages for the kids. The kids can use the sheets to add magazine pictures, write and label, etc.  There are 30 pages or so...
Animal Notebook Page (for the kids to do research on their own about animals they are interested in). Animal Discovery Notebook pages download:
Where can they be found? Habitat:
What do they eat
How do they reproduce
Life Span:
Body covering/coloring:
Sounds they make:

 Animal Discovery Notebook also includes ocean invertebrate research pages and a chart of ocean animal groups... a tird of starfish, for example!


ocean is divided into three different layers. 
The zones differ in temperature, water pressure and available
Marine organisms live in
different zones according to the amount of sunlight that reaches there. More than 90% of marine life lives in the Sunlit Zone.
You can download my ocean zone sorting sheets here.
I cut them out and laminated them together. (Also that sheet happens to
have my "Parts of" a shark and fish labels there as well (yesterday's post).  I used the shark labels with the shark anatomy page found here.)

made animal sorting cards for the three ocean zone (above), but
unfortunately I cannot share publicly  because I am not certain of the
copyright status of some of the photos I used.  I would be happy to
share that with people privately if you email me (the homeschool den --
all one word -- at yahoo dot com). You might want to leave a comment on the top post of my blog as well because I don't always check email and it might get buried.
Sunlight Zone - Blue Marlin, Sperm Whale, Grey Reef Shark, Plankton
Twilight Zone - Octopus, Squid, Hatchetfish, Viperfish
Midnight Zone - Angler Fish, Snipe Eel, Lizard Fish, Sea Cucumber

Information about the Ocean Animals Preschool Math Game is at this post here.

I made this activity for my older kids (5 and 8).  You can download and print these sheets here: Ocean Animals and Their Groups. There are two pages.
Here is the original post: Ocean Animals and Their Groups

You might want to make a colored circle on the back of each of the three
related cards. Use a different color for each animal. That way, the
kids can check their own work as needed.  Natasha shared this great idea
with us at her blog, Leptir.

Here are some invertebrate cards I made to go a long with our discussion. Remember, crustaceans, arachnids and insects are all part of the arthropod group (look at this chart to see what I mean).  This is not a complete list of invertebrate groups, just some of the ones we have been discussing.


Forest Animal Sort Cards

ED's next habitat study is on the forest. I made a set of cards for the kids to sort through. We'll be sorting them by


   and also into the five animal kingdoms:

  ( fish), amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.

Oh and by the way, I didn't include any fish in this sort--I did include
a photo of crayfish that LD found in the creek that runs through the
woods behind our house. They are crustaceans (related to the lobster)
and would obviously be sorted into the invertebrate group.

If you would like a copy of the Forest Animal Sort Cards that I made, just click here.


This post shows you how I use these.

Here is where you can download them.

ED has been working a lot on letter sounds and simple -at and -an words. I made this Valentine's themed word matching activity for her to work on over the next couple of weeks. It took some cutting pasting to put it together, but if you'd like to make your own you can download the pages here--Valentine's Day Word Match.

Documents       I've made various Montessori-inspired cards and activities, logic puzzles, math activities and things like that which I'll share here with you. You can click on the links below which will take you directly to the download page. I included some of the links within my website so you can see how I used some of these downloads (such as the pin maps and logic puzzles).

Hope you find something of use.

Pin Map: for the study of rainforest, savanna, desert, forest and tundra regions of the world

World Biomes Map and Legend

Biomes Pin Map Pieces p.1

Biomes Pin Map Pieces p. 2

My post about making the biomes pin map

World Biomes Pin Map

Three Part Cards:

3-Part Bird Cards

3-Part Bird of Australia Cards

3-Part Reptile Cards, p. 1

Reptile Card, p. 2


Reptile Cards, p. 3

Reptile Cards, p. 4

Small Reptile Cards, Pin Map Style

Using the Reptile Pin Map Pieces

Rain Forest Plants Page 1

Rain Forest Plants Page 2

Rain Forest Plants Page 3

Using the rain forest cards Lots of foods and goods originiate from the rainforest. These cards help identify some of the important products that come from rainforest regions of the world (spices, bananas,rubber, and more).

Other Activity Sheets

Layers of a Rainforest

Princess Sight Word Game

Princess Sight Word Game 2

More info--Princess SW Game

Math Activity Sheets:

Skip Counting by 3s Mazes

Cross the croc-river by 3s

Fix the Snake by 3s

Simple Counting Maze 1-25: Dinosaur Theme

Easter Theme Logic Game and Hundreds Board

Easter: Logic Puzzle and Pieces

Easter Puzzle Challenges, 1 and 2

Easter Puzzle Challenges, 3 and 4

Easter Puzzle Challenges: Answer Keys

Bunny -- Place Value (Hundreds)

Explanation for the Logic Puzzle and Bunny Place Value Card

Halloween Logic Puzzles

Halloween Logic Puzzle Board and Pieces

Halloween Puzzle Challenges, 1 and 2

Halloween Puzzle Challenges, 3 and 4

Halloween Logic Puzzle Answer Keys

Math Addition Facts

Click here to see the posting that shows the photos of these games and cards that follow. I made these games to help LD learn addition problems such as 4+5=9 and 12+7=18.

Addition Fact Cards for:

9 10 11s

11 12 13s

13 14 15s

15 16 17s

17 18s

Addition Spinner Games:

9 10 11 Spinner 12 13 14 Spinner 15 16 17 Spinner 16 17 18 Spinner

Bingo Cards

9 10 11s Bingo Cards: Card 1 Card 2 Card 3

12 13 14 Bingo Cards: Card 1  Card 2 Card 3

15 16 17 Bingo Cards: Card 1 Card 2 Card 3

16 17 18 Bingo Cards:  Card 1 Card 2 Card 3

Pictures of the Addition Facts Games

Deutsch -- For Early Elementary

Die Farben - the colors 

die Zahlen 1 bis 12 -- German numbers which can be used as three-part cards.

 Link to numbers 1-100--this might be useful to someone. It has the German numbers from 1 to 100 written out. (For example, 27 = zweiundzwanzig)

Here are a few more printouts of what we'll be covering in German
when we start back up. I'm using google docs which does not have
umlauts (pair of dots ( ¨ ) above a vowel) -- so those are obviously
omitted on these sheets and I'll write them in with a pen.

 This is just a simple sheet. The kids will color in the starburst and write the color names.

die Farben printout link

 Basic greetings: Good morning. How are you? Thanks, good. Not so good. I'm tired. etc.

Wie geht's printout link.

What is that?  Basic words like table, chair, book, picture, pencil, pen, window etc.

The next page asks where is the... and what color is...

 Was ist das? Wo ist...? Welche Farbe hat...? printout link.

 Clothing words and the second page just has pictures of clothing.

die Kleidung printout link

die Kleidung page 2